
Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Happiness Project

I began writing this post yesterday fully ready to talk about my happiness project so far but I was having such a bad day. When a client yells at you so loudly in the hall that another client has to come out and calm him down you don't really feel like talking about being happy. Yesterday was just a bad day and I just didn't want to be happy, so instead of going to Zumba last night and getting a good workout in I decided to stay home, drink wine, and eat Chinese food (not the best choice). When I woke up this morning, mad at myself for skipping Zumba and consuming far too many calories instead or burning them, it hit me. I could allow my  bad day to continue and then just let it get worse or I can force myself to go to the gym, perk up and ultimately be happy.

  So as I continue my Happiness Project that I started in my last post, I began organizing my cluttered life. In Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project January is all about vitality, becoming more energized and therefore getting more accomplished. I started this week off by tackling a couple of organizational issues around my apartment that have been bothering me. 

First I started off by cleaning up my vanity. I had recently seen a pin on Pinterest about using an ice cube tray for earring storage. Well I don't have an ice cube tray but I do have a clean, empty egg carton. I cut the top part off and slid it in my drawer. I sorted all my stud earrings and placed them in their own compartment of the egg carton. I also took all bobby pins and small hair clips and placed them in an old Altoids tin.

Then I began to "tackle a nagging task." I gathered all of my important documents, from my birth certificate, to anything required for tax season, to my monthly bills and filed them away in a milk crate from Office Depot. I even included a calendar so that I can mark my paydays and the days that all bills are due. 

In The Happiness Project Gretchen created twelve commandments to follow to increase her happiness. I might just want to add one. "Live in the now." Too many times I look back and think "Wow! Last year at this time I was having so much fun and now my life just isn't as great." But when I really think about it, that's probably not true at all and right now is pretty great. I just need to appreciate things as they are happening, rather than months later missing it. 

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