
Monday, January 7, 2013

Coconut Oil

I've been reading a lot of pins on Pinterest about the magic of Coconut Oil. Naturally, I became curious as to if it really did everything that they were saying it could. I went to as recommended by many of the links to receive my $10 credit and get the Coconut Oil practically for free. (I also order PB2 Peanut Butter because Tara Lynn over at Undress Skeleton is always using it and I just had to try it.)

Coconut oil is a solid when it is below 76 degrees making is hard as a rock and nearly impossible to get out of the jar or spread it on. I heard that you can whip it and it will stay a soft, smooth consistency. It is actually really easy to whip, takes hardly any time at all, and best of all it can be used for just about anything.

First things first you're going to want to scoop it out of the jar and plop it into a nice big bowl.

Then just take your hand mixer and go to town. Whip it up like you would frosting. 

Once it is nice a fluffy scoop it all into a mason jar or you could put it back in its original jar, I just prefer mason jars. 

When Coconut Oil is whipped it stays that way so you no longer need to worry about it becoming a solid rock again.

One of my absolute favorite things about coconut oil is that it is hands down the best beauty secret ever! 

I have had serious trouble with eczema on my upper arms my entire life. I have tried everything from exfoliators to moisturizers to OTC eczema creams. Nothing ever truly got rid of it. That is, until I discovered Coconut oil. I have been applying it every day when I get out of the shower and every night before bed and my arms have never been so smooth. 

Another great use of coconut oil is as a hair mask. I learned this little secret from How Does She?

Take a generous handful of coconut oil and apply it from the ends up. I twisted my hair and clipped it on the top of my head and went about my night. I left my hair like that for about 2 hours while I cleaned the house and checked Facebook. Then I hopped in the shower. Make sure to shampoo twice, the first time I did this I only shampooed once and my hair was a bit greasy after it dried. When you hop out of the shower towel dry your hair and while it is still damp take a pea sized amount of coconut oil and rub it in your hands. Then run your hands through the ends of your hair. 

I let my hair air dry and then very quickly ran my flat iron through my hair this morning. 
I can't stop touching my hair. It is so soft and so smooth and not the least bit frizzy. I think I might start doing this a couple times a week because I have not seen my hair look so controlled and healthy ever.

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